Nature: The Healer & Energy Provider to Support Life
In our busy life where everyone is on the go, it is often easy to get wrapped up in our own world and not take the time to think about, what nature provides to each of us.…
Be Spiritually Healthy and Happy With Yoga Meditation
There are many different types of meditation practiced in the world today. Often people practice meditation to achieve benefits such as stress reduction, increased mental clarity and concentration, better sleep, easement of anxiety and depression, improved immune…
Enjoying & Happiness
I drove past a church today and saw their slogan for the week: It is not material things but enjoying that brings happiness. Oh dear! If it had read, it is not material things but love that…
Take Shelter of the Sacred Sounds – Experience the Magical Benefits
Experience deep peace and happiness by laying down yourself on the magic carpet of these holy names. Meditating on these spiritual sounds will comfort us and have a purifying effect. From time to time we are hassled…