Lending a Helping Hand – Lets Make a Difference
This article is about how we can help the things and people around us without spending so much of time and money. It really needs a simple caring heart for that.
We travel to our workplace, we do shopping, we go on vacation, we enjoy life, we plan for future, In the midst of everything and we see so many things that are not in place. From some corner of the heart, we realize that we need to do something. But we have made our lifestyle so binding to time and resources; we can hardly plan any improvements. We see traffic jams, unattended garbage piles, mistreated animals, people quarreling over small things, domestic violence, actions that degrade the environment, and tendency to cheat people and so on.
If we have that self-motivation and the inquisitiveness to do something, then it can create wonders. And in the end we can feel happy & satisfied. As described earlier, we have very limited capacity – time and money. But how can we step forward?
Choose the Ground
To start with, we can make our home and work place as the ground. It is for very sure that we frequent these two places very much and have immense opportunities. But you can choose your surrounding according to your lifestyle. Good luck.
Educate the Young Mass
First make friends with kids; this is a secret to start any endeavor. First try to be friends with others, be nice to them and show care for them. This approach fits to all. Show them or demonstrate how kids can contribute to the environment and help others. Teach them to save electricity, water, not waste food, not watch television so much and play with modern toys like guns, racing cars, toy swords, toy knives, toy soldiers & video games. This can make them temporarily happy, but it will take a hard toll in the near future. Playing with these toys can make them aggressive, think like a challenger always.
And video games just ruin their brain, they are always in the mood to do things fast and achieve something. Teach them how they can be friends, well behaved, save water, keep things in place, develop caring attitude for others. This will help them personally in future – they can have more concentration in study, they can be in good company, they will be calm and pleasing to everyone. It will be wrong to think that they will be less competitive. When they have more focus on study, automatically there is no compromise on their scores. Moreover as part of ideal parenting it is good to always encourage, not just measure their performance each and every time basing on the report cards.
Leverage those Sundays
Go to a charity home, spend some time with the inmates, it may look that you are wasting time ; but believe me, when you mingle and play with so many love hungry souls – you will feel very comfortable. They are always ready to be your friends, share their cute stories with you. Why this will be so comforting to our hearts? We are always surrounded by people to whom we are committed – to the boss, to husband, wife, family and kids and so on.
This should portray the idea of not relating with them or similar – yes we all should take care of them and think their well-being too. But moreover we should think for our other friends too who are not always near us. They are our brothers and sisters only. We share a great similarity among us – we have the tendency to love and we all are hungry for love. If you watch our lives closely – we can see that we all have a strong tendency to love someone and be loved. So a Sunday is a worthy Sunday when you spend time for yourself and others too. Happy Sunday.
Spend Time to Reflect
It is not always true that others are in trouble, we ourselves are also in trouble – we are easily disturbed by small happenings, we get controlled by our mind all the time – agitated, de-focused, trailing worries and so on. So this shows how bewildered and vulnerable we are? So trying some simple techniques can help us a lot. To start with listen to some meditation music in a fixed time every day or any comfortable time you find, it will ease you, bonafide meditation music are always solacing to the heart and tired mind. Listen here
Further, it will help you to focus more on your work, increase performance and hence save time. Moreover you will achieve more clarity in your dealings. Moreover if your schedule allows do some easy relaxation yoga asanas which is very soothing to yourself.
Respect Women, Children, Elders & Fellow Commuters
We need to go out for work, we travel by bus, train and we meet so many people. In this situation also we all have an inherent role. If we see someone elderly or any women is not so comfortable in buses or train we can offer our seat and try to make them comfortable, You may face some situations that we may stand out to argue in public. Please try to avoid these in public places but please be strong on any offence against others.
Plant a Tree
Let’s start this healthy project – it’s time to give back to the nature. First find a small place where you can keep an eye. Bring a sapling from the store and plant a tree. We should make a promise to ourselves that “I will take care of this small plant”. By doing this small thing, you will feel happy from inside of your heart. J
Be a Nice Friend
With an internet dependent world, we tend to switch to the web for friends and discussions. But most of the internet stuffs are manipulated and artificial. With communities like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn dominating our lives very much. We can hardly think out of that. Just open your door of your heart and reminisce your true friends – neighbors and nature. Gift some time to your neighbors to share ideas and encourage them too. You can always discuss any health or environment friendly ideas you implemented in work or home and if you are lucky you can gain some appreciation. It goes well with the saying – ‘Sharing is Caring’.
In the end, when you try to reflect – you will say to yourself “I have gone that extra mile.” And this will not stop you – you will have more new ideas to apply and reform the far & near world.